Making sustainability a priority
To this end, taking a holistic, integrated and inclusive approach is critical in addressing the four key elements of sustainability: environmental, social, institutional, and economic. In simple terms, this means infrastructure planning has to be more joined up at a strategic/policy/high level so that opportunities can be fully realised. Whilst at scheme level, designs need to be future proofed i.e. resilient to climate change, selected and refined to deliver the best practicable environmental option, be eco-positive, socially inclusive and accessible, technologically advanced, productive, and flexible.
We work with Government – national, regional and local as well as major infrastructure clients. As such, we help shape policy/strategy as well as deliver at programme/project level. As part of the latter, we manage impacts, improve resilience and add value at all stages of a scheme, from planning and design, to construction, operation and asset renewal. We help set the environmental and social parameters for development and identify core objectives to be consistent with sustainability goals and best practice. We also encourage innovation and challenge at all stages to deliver the best outcomes, whilst addressing stakeholder priorities.