It’s all about access

Long gone are the days when information is restricted to those in the office or with specialist software. Application & Tool Development is a fundamental in development of specialist software. Using engaging apps and platforms, information can be liberated and made accessible to those who need it: for example project managers, decision-makers, stakeholders, and communities. Such initiatives contribute to multiple points of value and can offer data longevity to a client.

At Temple, we design and deploy interactive web apps, data portals, and dashboards for a variety of users and audiences. Spatially-based project coordination and asset management portals accessed through web browsers allow data to be managed centrally and disseminated widely, culminating in inefficiencies and joined-up decision-making. A whole raft of tools can be embedded within platforms and hubs for stakeholder engagement and co-design with local communities. Data dashboards can provide real-time data at your fingertips.

Our approach to Application and Tool Development

Using our in-house Areal system we can open up access to data and information to aid collaboration and reduce the reliance on costly specialised software.

Key Contacts

Joseph Edelman-Towns Principal Consultant- Digital
Luke Chittock Director - Digital