Welsh Government appoints Temple alongside expert team to deliver Renewable Energy Developers Programme

19.07.2023 3 min read

Temple is pleased to announce that it is part of the expert team appointed by The Welsh Government to deliver its Renewable Energy Developers Program (RED), which will be responsible for carrying out environmental assessments for several important renewable energy projects in Wales.

The RED Program will develop wind projects on public land, promoting the Welsh Government’s commitment to producing renewable energy which will lead to concrete benefits for Wales, leading the way to having a publicly owned renewable energy developer in the UK.

Temple will work alongside WSP, Mott MacDonald, LUC, Dulas, JCTR and Axis over the next four years to identify and deliver the projects, providing several key services in specialties including the environment, transport, planning, and heritage.

The emphasis will be on securing the required planning consent orders to implement energy projects and advising on the planning, transport, ecology, forestry, cultural heritage and social value elements associated with the plans. Achieving social value will be another important element of the RED Program which places emphasis on community and environmental values, creating jobs and economic value by working with local businesses and suppliers.

Simon Butler, Senior Director at Temple said: “Temple is extremely proud to be working on this project which is of strategic importance and which will help the Government and the people of Wales to secure a long-term future for renewable energy.”

Mae Temple yn falch o gyhoeddi ei fod yn rhan o’r tîm arbenigol a benodwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni ei Rhaglen Datblygwyr Ynni Adnewyddadwy (RED), a fydd yn gyfrifol am gynnal asesiadau amgylcheddol ar gyfer nifer o brosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy pwysig yng Nghymru.

Bydd y Rhaglen RED yn datblygu prosiectau gwynt ar dir cyhoeddus, gan hyrwyddo ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i gynhyrchu ynni adnewyddadwy a fydd yn arwain at fanteision pendant i Gymru, gan arwain y ffordd at gael datblygwr ynni adnewyddadwy sy’n eiddo cyhoeddus yn y DU.

Bydd Temple yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â WSP, Mott MacDonald, LUC, Dulas, JCTR ac Axis dros y pedair blynedd nesaf i nodi a chyflawni’r prosiectau, gan ddarparu nifer o wasanaethau allweddol mewn arbenigeddau gan gynnwys yr amgylchedd, trafnidiaeth, cynllunio a threftadaeth.

Bydd y pwyslais ar sicrhau’r gorchmynion caniatâd cynllunio gofynnol i weithredu prosiectau ynni a chynghori ar yr elfennau cynllunio, trafnidiaeth, ecoleg, coedwigaeth, treftadaeth ddiwylliannol a gwerth cymdeithasol sy’n gysylltiedig â’r cynlluniau. Bydd cyflawni gwerth cymdeithasol yn elfen bwysig arall o’r Rhaglen COCH sy’n rhoi pwyslais ar werthoedd cymunedol ac amgylcheddol, creu swyddi a gwerth economaidd drwy weithio gyda busnesau a chyflenwyr lleol.

Dywedodd Simon Butler, Uwch Gyfarwyddwr Temple: “Mae Temple yn hynod falch o fod yn gweithio ar y prosiect hwn sydd o bwysigrwydd strategol ac a fydd yn helpu Llywodraeth a phobl Cymru i sicrhau dyfodol hirdymor i ynni adnewyddadwy.”

Key Contacts

Stephen Price Director - Environment & Planning
David Hourd Senior Director - Environment