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Verity Heard

Principal Ecologist

Verity Heard BSc MSc MCIEEM is a Principal Ecologist with over 9 years’ experience in ecology and conservation. During this time, Verity has worked in both consultancy and research posts where she has gained experience serving significant infrastructure projects for transport, property and renewable sectors, such as; onshore cable routes for wind farms, aviation pipelines, rail (HS2, East West Rail), road (M4, A12, A27), Ports (London Gateway), as well as an array of commercial, industrial and residential developments.

Her experience to date, has allowed her to understand the needs of clients and develop her knowledge of the planning process and application of EU and UK wildlife legislation, best practice guidelines, licencing and mitigation procedures. She has completed numerous ecological reports and developed her expertise in a range of ecological surveys and species identification. She holds a Natural England Bat Level 2 Class Licence, a Great Crested Newt (GCN) Level 1 Survey Licence and Dormouse Level 1 Survey Licence. She is also currently working towards a barn owl survey licence.

She enjoys her role as a line manager, attending client meetings and working on Ecological Impact Assessments and European Species Mitigation Licences. As a bat specialist she also supports and mentors colleagues across the offices and regularly completes technical reviews and inputs into company technical standards.

In her spare time Verity enjoys playing netball and completing surveys for Surrey Dormouse Group where she has been monitoring the population for over 6 years and training volunteers in dormouse ecology and conservation as part of the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme (NDMP).
