Temple signs the carbon commitment pledge to net zero

21.12.2019 2 min read

Temple is pleased to announce that we have signed up to Pledge to Net Zero, the pledge specifically designed for the environmental sector and commits to science-based targets to meet the UK’s 2050 Net Zero target and publicly report progress each year.

Pledge to Net Zero is the first environmental industry commitment in the UK requiring science-based targets from its signatories to tackle greenhouse gas emissions within their organisations.

Temple committed internally to zero emissions some time ago and continue to advance in this area, but the pledge recognises the need for organisations from the environmental services sector to take a leadership role in the transition to a Net Zero carbon economy which is something we are excited to be a part of.

Environmental and sustainable leadership is part of our strategy, supports our alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Ethical part of our company EPIC values.

We are proud of our sector leadership, having been founding members of the IEMA Quality Mark and early signatories of the Green Construction Board – Infrastructure Carbon Review, and see this pledge as an opportunity to continue.

Signing the pledge Temple have agreed to commit to:

  • Set and commit to delivering a greenhouse gas target in line with either a 1.5°C or well below 2°C climate change scenario – covering buildings and travel as a minimum
  • Publicly report greenhouse gas emissions and progress against this target each year
  • Publish one piece of research/thought-leadership each year on practical steps to delivering an economy in line with climate science and in support of net-zero carbon. Alternatively, signatories may choose to provide mentoring and support for smaller signatory companies in setting targets, reporting and meeting the requirements of the pledge

By adopting this pledge, we hope that we encourage other members of our sector to also sign up.

For more information on the pledge to net-zero visit their website https://www.pledgetonetzero.org/about

Key Contacts

Iain Audus Head of Sustainability and SHEQ