What is Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity net gain refers to a conservation approach that aims to leave the natural environment in a better state than before a development or human activity takes place. It involves assessing the impact of a project on biodiversity and implementing measures to enhance or restore biodiversity in the affected area.

Biodiversity Net Gain at Temple

Whilst the concept of Biodiversity Net Gain as a measurable deliverable is relatively new, our teams consistently deliver projects with a positive outcome for biodiversity and have done so for over 20 years. We aim to set a benchmark against which future developments will be measured.

We aim to meet the individual needs of our clients by guiding them through the necessary BNG steps to ensure the process is as transparent and straightforward as possible. Focussing on innovation, the intention is to seek opportunities for the integration of ecology into scheme design from the outset, to create multiple benefits for wildlife and people.

Drawing upon the advancement over recent decades from a more traditional like-for-like replacement strategy, biodiversity, ecosystem services and Natural Capital accounting are embedded in our thinking from the outset, taking account of the wider landscape/populations and incorporating mechanisms to maintain viable populations long-term, particularly in the face of changing climate.

We focus on the promotion of functional linkages with existing habitats and their associated species assemblages, promoting wider net gains in biodiversity through functional connectivity with the wider landscape.

Consideration of biodiversity from the outset results in sizeable and indeed measurable benefits and avoids costly delays due to the need to reconfigure or re-design schemes to adapt to the ecological baseline.

There is no one-size-fits-all all. Each site is treated as unique, and our most effective solutions are those developed through engagement with local communities, landowners and local and national conservation organisations.

What We Offer

Targets for BNG must be integrated into project planning and delivery from inception and this is where we come in!

Engage with us at an early stage in your development to seek advice on matters contributing to effective and sustainable BNG. In essence, we can help you adopt best practices to provide solution-based ecology, ensuring the delivery of your project is appropriate to the scope, project schedule and deadlines and will be based on technically sound, evidence-based solutions appropriate to the location.

Key Contacts

Dr Sarah Cox Divisional Director - Ecology
David Coote Associate Director - Ecology
Stuart Wilson Divisional Director - Ecology