Email Bethany

Bethany Stonier


Bethany joined Temple in 2021 as an Assistant Ecologist based at our Lichfield office. Bethany has recently worked towards obtaining a Class 1 Great Crested Newt Licence and is excited to lead a team of surveyors this upcoming season.

Prior to working at Temple, Bethany has been able to travel and work in various countries, getting involved with various conservation projects. Highlights include volunteering with the Kakapo Recovery Programme in New Zealand and studying great skua on Fair Isle, Shetland.   

Outside of work, Bethany regularly helps at a local hedgehog rescue centre and frequently has a rehabilitated hedgehog in her shed, encouraging them to gain weight ready to be released back into the wild. When Bethany is not working, she can often be found out on a run, in the garden, bouldering or out on a walk in the countryside.  
