Temple project success: Our Hospital Project, Island of Jersey

19.05.2022 3 min read

Temple is delighted to have successfully secured planning approval for a new world-class hospital for the Island of Jersey. The proposed hospital is the largest ever public infrastructure project for the island to date intended to serve the island’s healthcare needs for decades to come.

Temple is the appointed planning consultants, leading the planning strategy and submission of planning application through to securing approval for the proposed development. Due to its significance, the scheme was heard at a week-long Public Inquiry in April 2022. Temple acted as a planning Expert Witness at the inquiry, within a very experienced design team.

Following the Inquiry, the Inspector’s emphatic recommendation led to the Minister of Environment approving the plans for the new hospital in May 2022 – a momentous milestone for the project.

The Inspector concluded in their report that “…the Applicant has demonstrated that an extremely thorough and creative exploration of site strategy options has been undertaken…” which resulted in “…an undisputedly high-quality healthcare campus, with contemporary buildings in an attractive landscaped setting, which would enable patients and people within the hospital building to enjoy a very, pleasant, indeed quite stunning, environment”.

The team successfully overcame planning challenges such as loss of listed buildings, loss of agricultural land, the reprovision of the Jersey Bowling Club (which is subject to a separate application), loss of residential properties (subject to the CPO process), and the Site’s geographical position on top of a hill. The team developed plans for a new, modern, fit for purpose, sustainable hospital facility which proposes:

  • meets the current and future needs of patients, clinicians, healthcare staff, and visitors
  • offers world-class views for patients across St. Helier
  • seeks to minimise carbon emission
  • makes efficient use of previously developed land
  • provides extensive landscape proposals and publicly accessible open space
  • planting of circa 700 trees
  • biodiversity net gain for habitats of approximately 30% over the lifetime of the project above the current baseline value of the site
  • biodiversity net gain of 40% over the lifetime of the project for hedgerows
  • includes an integrated arts and culture strategy

In weighing up the planning balance, the Inspector outlined that the challenges which the scheme faced were overcome on account of the practical, aesthetic, and public benefit the hospital would bring. In conclusion, it was clear that “the application proposal represents the very best proposal in planning terms when considered ‘in the round.’”

Temple worked collaboratively with the dedicated Our Hospital Project team and the Design and Delivery Partner ROK FCC JV alongside the Government of Jersey, Llewelyn Davies, LDA Design, Urban Counsel, BSG Ecology, ARUP, Soundings, and Annabel Graham Paul (Francis Taylor Building).

“The Our Hospital Project (OHP) will provide a once in a lifetime opportunity for the citizens of Jersey to have a world-class, fully integrated, 21st century health care facility. The overall aim of the project is to deliver a facility that will be an integral part of the local community and will give patients greater choice, access and provision of a quality and efficient services and enhance the overall health and well-being of the local people.” – Our Hospital Project

For more information on the site visit:  https://ourhospital.je/

You can find out more about Temple’s involvement on the project overview:

Overdale Hospital, Island of Jersey Case Study




Key Contacts

Mark Furlonger Senior Director - Planning & Design
Stephen Price Director - Environment & Planning