At 306m tall the Shard is one of the tallest buildings in Western Europe. Already an iconic structure, it was developed on the site of the former Southwark Towers. Environmental factors were extremely important during both demolition and construction; particularly given the proximity of London Bridge Station, Guy’s Hospital and the King’s College campus. Temple were appointed by Teighmore to provide Construction Environmental Monitoring as well as stakeholder engagement services.
We provided consultation, advisory support, as well as the monitoring and management of noise, vibration and air quality over a 5 year period. This included the scope and extent of monitoring (the majority of which was real-time) and protection via ETAP (Environmental Trigger Action Plan). As part of our role we were responsible for negotiations with stakeholders such as Network Rail, Hospital Trust, among many others. Our innovative noise and vibration work and collaborative approach was recognised with a John Connell Silent Approach Award from the Noise Abatement Society.
The Hospital Trust, Network Rail, LB Southwark and other interested parties were very appreciative of the collaborative approach and proactive stance taken to address concerns. This meant that confidence and trust was quickly established, which paved the way to 24/7 working.
Moreover, the innovative approach taken to working methods, the monitoring regime and the responsiveness of the team meant the impacts were significantly less than those first feared and most stakeholders were “significantly underwhelmed” by the impacts.