Nature Based Solutions (NBS) is a wholistic approach to identifying, valuing, protecting and restoring the ecosystems on which human societies depend and that directly underpin more than half of global economic activity.
It is estimated that a four-fold increase in the funding for Nature Based Solutions (NBS) will be required to deal effectively with the crises affecting climate and biodiversity, and its recognised that this requires wholesale improvement in the scope to invest in NBS and monitor outcomes.
Temple fully understand that implementation of NBS must be thematic, inclusive and cross discipline boundaries while also being project-focused and locally relevant and scalable. In order to deliver NBS in this way our technical teams (which include ecology, social value, climate and planning) are working with our longstanding partners to provide assessment and advisory support in NBS and related services which include Natural Capital, Biodiversity Net Gain and Green Infrastructure. We aim to work within our team and with clients to push for robust and genuine advice and assessment which is based on our knowledge and insight, rather than solely on meeting standards and application of metrics
The outcome of our approach is visible in the delivery of projects widely varying scale and nature. At London Gateway Port we have worked with statutory bodies, NGOs and other stakeholders and the farming community in particular to create extensive areas of compensatory habitat (intertidal mudflat, wetland and permanent pasture) that provide positive outcomes for water and carbon, as well as for biodiversity. We regularly contribute to the design of urban green spaces to create places with high ecological diversity that also deliver a wide range of environmental benefits including improved air quality, storm water management and well-being.
We are involved in developing new standards and metrics for NBS including working with Natural England on a new assessment tool intended to record the delivery of ecosystem services in new developments.