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Ivan Tennant

Director - Socio-economics and Social Value

The roots of Ivan’s practice are in neighbourhood-level urban planning, working closely with communities to conceive and implement planning policy that reflects their goals and aspirations.

In 2016, he received the award for ‘Best Community-Led Plan’ for the Area Action Plan Stamford Hill on behalf of the London Borough of Hackney at the London Planning Awards.

The hallmark of his approach is to design project-specific research methods that combine “on the street” and desk-based techniques to produce evidence that is proportionate, balanced, up-to-date and locally specific.

Latterly, he has held senior positions with the socio-economic and planning policy teams in major consultancies including AECOM, GL Hearn/WSP and Lambert Smith Hampton. In these roles he has employed advanced data analysis and socio-economic modelling techniques to respond to a wide range of planning-related research questions.

These have included the direction a given place should take to restore economic growth; the volume of homes required in a given area to meet needs, and the nature of this new stock; the socio-economic impact of development on local communities; and how the social sustainability of new and existing places can be achieved in parallel with transformational change to the physical environment.
