Digitising the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process

31.03.2020 1 min read

Over the past six months, Temple have been working closely with our partners, Connected Places CatapultQuodLiquorice and ODI Leeds to explore how digitalisation could transform the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. Developed from a wide range of research, workshops, and interviews, we have produced prototypes of key concepts that have the potential to transform the sector. Our work is now complete and our findings are presented through a dedicated website and report.

‘Temple has really enjoyed working with our Digital EIA Project Partners on this Innovate UK funded project. The release of this Digital EIA Discovery Report succinctly captures the key challenges faced by many looking to embrace new and innovative digital EIA working practice. By sharing seven concepts to overcome these challenges the report establishes a common point for those working in the EIA field and invites comment and discussion, upon which future work and guidance can be built’ –  Mark Skelton, Executive Director, Temple

More information on the project can also be found on the Digital EIA website.

Key Contacts

Robert Slatcher Director - Environment
James Sanders Senior Director - Environment & Planning