A service to shout about

Sometimes welcome, often not, noise is a constant in our daily lives. The acoustic environment can affect how we live, work and rest. With this in mind and at the heart of many project agendas, we work with clients to minimise the adverse effects of noise and vibration, for a quieter, more pleasurable life.

Our award-winning acoustics team pride ourselves on listening (no pun intended) to our clients, to deliver the service that they need. Our work in this area covers all stages of the project lifecycle, from initial desktop studies, to expert witness support at a public inquiry. We have experience on numerous high-profile schemes, such as The Shard, Crossrail and High Speed 2, Bishopsgate, RTS as well as smaller but often unique projects.

While we deal in a specialised technical area, we pride ourselves on communicating our findings in a clear, understandable way.

Our noise and vibration services over the project lifecycle cover:

  • Early-stage appraisal and desktop modelling with potential mitigation measures
  • Noise modelling and assessment to support planning submissions, for example as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Public consultation and stakeholder engagement
  • Expert witness at public inquiry
  • Architectural/building acoustic design advice
  • External noise ingress internal sound insulation and soundproofing
  • Reverberation and echo control and building services noise
  • Consent services and ongoing monitoring as in the case of construction impacts.

Our approach to Noise and Vibration

As a responsive and personable team within Temple, we adapt our service to the needs of individual clients and we take time to understand what’s required before delivering.

Key Contacts

John Fisk Director - Noise & Vibration
Nigel Burton Director - Noise & Vibration