Strategic visioning  

Effective development should consider the current and forecast market equilibrium position of different residential and commercial land uses. We draw on a comprehensive range of evidence and proprietary modelling techniques to provide options as part of strategic visioning for a given site, before crystallising around a preferred masterplan.  

Housing needs assessment market updates (older people, build-to-rent, students, self-build) 

The team works on behalf of developers seeking a viable planning consent where the optimal residential land use depends on a clear understanding of local housing market dynamics. The resulting studies also clarify how a proposed scheme will comply with a local authority’s policies and where these policies may be challenged.   

Social Value Assessments 

A social value assessment uses an innovative range of metrics to evaluate the impact of projects, policies, or activities on communities’ socio-economic welfare. These include the accessibility of key forms of social and environmental infrastructure, mobility options and the range of economic opportunities available to households.   

Health impact assessments 

A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a systematic process that evaluates the potential health effects of a policy, program, or project on a population, particularly focusing on the distribution of those effects within the population. HIAs provide recommendations to enhance positive health outcomes and minimise adverse health impacts.  

Socio-economic chapter 

The team provides the socio-economic chapter within an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), providing clear evidence as regards how a proposed scheme will affect local businesses and communities, for example, stimulating economic activity and job creation. We also review chapters undertaken by other consultants on behalf of local planning authorities to ensure alignment with the scoping opinion and regulatory compliance.  

Economic Benefits Statements 

Economic Benefits Statements employ bespoke modelling techniques to capture the impact of a given scheme in terms of job creation and Gross Value Added. In the context of planning applications, they make a robust case for the economic value generated by residential, commercial or mixed-use development.  

Employment land assessments 

In the context of supporting a developer to achieve viable consent, our employment land assessments clarify the market equilibrium of the position of different commercial land uses, considering office; retail; scientific and laboratory; technology and other specialist uses as appropriate.  

Expert witness 

For all the reports that we produce, the team can defend and justify our approach in the context of a public enquiry or examination.  


Key Contacts

Ivan Tennant Director - Socio-economics and Social Value
Isobel Kiely Senior Consultant