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Ainsley Meynell

Ainsley joined Temple in 2024 as a consultant after relocating from Aotearoa New Zealand.

After gaining a Bachelor of Communications and a post-graduate diploma in Business Studies she worked on the largest wastewater infrastructure project in New Zealand to date. This is where her interest in Stakeholder Engagement began. Managing the multitude of relationships within the impacted areas of the large-scale project has imprinted the importance of adaptability and effective communication tailored to each community.

Ainsley recognised the importance of a bespoke approach to stakeholder engagement in the infrastructure industry and the importance of working within communities impacted by these projects. From here she took the inspired move across the globe to work at Temple and the new experiences, projects, and communities that have come with that.

Outside of the office and being new to the UK, Ainsley enjoys exploring as much as she can. With new places to hike, national galleries and museums, hidden restaurants and of course enjoying a cheeky beverage with new friends.
