Temple nominated for a BIG Biodiversity Challenge Award

16.08.2024 2 min read

We are thrilled to announce that our team has been nominated for the CIRIA BIG Biodiversity Challenge Awards in the Innovation category. This is a recognition of The UKHab and BNG Survey App.

The CIRIA BIG Biodiversity Challenge Awards seek to increase awareness of the significance of biodiversity and showcase how biodiversity enhancements can be integrated across various scales and projects, aiming to reward those that go beyond normal business practice or planning and statutory obligations. The innovation award celebrates successful, innovative, and unique enhancements that showcase the use of customised products and interventions, effective data collection, collation, and process sharing. It also highlights projects that employ unconventional and alternative approaches to standard practices.

All of these qualities are something that is encapsulated in the BNG app. The app enables the seamless use of existing UKHab surveys and conversion to BNG surveys. This means many users can take advantage of their current ecological processes and comply with the new legislation faster and more cost effectively. Designed to simplify the processes involved in BNG assessments, the software streamlines the workflow from field data collection to in-office assessment and provides a real-time BNG score.

It is an honour for Temple to be nominated alongside so many other incredible projects and companies. The ceremony this year will be held at the London Wetland Centre in Barnes on Wednesday 25 September 2024.

Key Contacts

Luke Chittock Director - Digital
Stuart Wilson Divisional Director - Ecology