Land at Flawith Road (April – September 2023) / Mulgrave Developments Ltd

Comprehensive Noise Impact Assessment for a Proposed Residential Development

Noise impact assessment for new residential development near road traffic and an Environment Agency A1 Poultry farm. A key challenge of this project included the irregular nature of the noise generating operations at the poultry farm. Temple’s solution involved undertaking an extended long-term (five week) noise survey on site during the identified peak operational period. Previous planning applications from nearby sites were also reviewed to verify the data collected. The extended survey also captured audio data

crucial in identifying the impact caused by the farm and not other local noise sources such as nearby construction noise. Temple was, therefore, able to robustly quantify noise emissions from the poultry unit, understanding the frequency of operations and the overall impact on the Proposed Development.

Unit 15 Barton Arcade (August – October 2023) / RYDE Studios

Noise Transfer Assessment for RYDE Studios

RYDE Studios is set to open its flagship Spin Cycle studio within a Grade 2 Listed shopping arcade basement unit in central Manchester. To support the change of use planning application, Manchester City Council required an assessment of noise transfer from the gym into adjoining retail units and Temple was appointed to provide this. Due to the age of the building, the construction of the floor between the basement and upper floor was unknown. The Client also required the assessment to be completed within a short time frame to meet their proposed planning submission date. Temple undertook on-site testing to determine the sound insulation between the floors and subsequently set internal noise limits to meet criteria in the adjoining retail units. Further support was also provided by Temple to review and comment on the proposed planning conditions following the assessment.

Thelwall Grange, Warrington (September 2023) / Nicholas Ryan Projects

Rapid Noise Impact Assessment for New Residential Development

Temple was appointed to undertake a noise impact assessment for a new residential development close to the M6 motorway in Warrington. The noise assessment was also required to be undertaken in a short time frame to meet a previously agreed planning submission date. Our team was able to mobilise to the site quickly and carry out a simplified site noise risk assessment suitable to accompany the outline planning submission with further recommendations for what a more detailed assessment would require at a later stage. Assessments covered internal and external noise assessments during both typical conditions and whilst mitigating overheating.

Todmorden Vibration Monitoring / Calderdale Council

Vibration Impact Assessment of Road Traffic

Temple was appointed on behalf of Calderdale Council by JBA Consulting to undertake a vibration impact assessment at a residential property in Todmorden. The assessment was requested in response to ongoing complaints of vibration caused by road traffic on Halifax Road. A comprehensive vibration survey was undertaken at both internal and external locations at the affected property measuring a range of parameters applicable to the assessment of both human and building responses to road traffic induced vibration. During the survey, time was taken to discuss the nature and history of concerns the residents had about the vibration to provide context for the assessment. The assessment was able to confirm that HGV movements were responsible for perceptible vibration both inside and outside the dwelling, with the worst affected room being on the first floor. The measured results were compared against national guidance and standards to determine the overall impact. Analysis of octave band data was also undertaken and compared against TRL research data which showed comparable data, providing extra confidence in the survey findings.

Cowley Hill Traffic Calming Measures, St. Helens / St. Helens Borough Council

Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment for Cowley Hill

As part of the Cowley Hill Liveable Neighbourhood Scheme, St Helens Council are installing vertical traffic calming measures at five road junctions in residential areas. Temple was appointed to assess the potential noise and vibration impact during the operational phase. The nearest sensitive receptors to the proposed measures were identified and baseline noise and vibration conditions were established through conducting surveys. The predicted change to noise and vibration levels at the receptors was then calculated based on specific guidance for traffic calming measures and historical data. The assessment will be followed up once the traffic calming measures have been installed to undertake post installation measurements and final results on the overall impacts.


Ousefield House / Mulgrave Developments Ltd

Noise Assessment and Planning Condition Discharge for Residential Development

Temple was appointed to assist with discharging planning conditions at a site with prior approval to develop 4 newly built residential properties in proximity to a busy A road and neighbouring properties. A long-term unattended noise survey was undertaken to determine typical ambient noise levels at the most exposed area of the site and a location representative of nearby neighbours. Detailed noise ingress calculations were carried out to demonstrate the proposed glazing and ventilation strategy were sufficient to achieve suitable internal noise levels. Temple also provided predictions of construction noise levels at nearby receptors to determine if impacts were likely based on the proposed construction methods and on-site plant and machinery.


Key Contacts

John Fisk Director - Noise & Vibration
Nigel Burton Director - Noise & Vibration