Project Land East of Burnt Mills, Bradfields Farm, Basildon Client St Modwen Strategic Land Service EIA for a hybrid employment led application Sector EIA Property

Project Overview

The Proposed Development from St Modwen Strategic Land, involves an employment led hybrid application comprising 50,237 sqm of employment development floorspace for Unit 1 in full and up to 72,000 sqm in outline across 7 units. The detailed element sought means of access from Courtauld Road and Pound Lane and a new Link Road; with associated car parking, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and all other enabling and infrastructure works (including demolition, and stream diversion) to facilitate the delivery of Unit 1. The outline permission also sought associated infrastructure car parking, landscaping, sustainable drainage and diversion of the public right of way for Units 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 7, 13 and 14.

The Site is located within a single parcel of agricultural and arable land in North Benfleet, Basildon and covers a combined area of approximately 45.97 ha – with the detailed application comprising 22.29 ha and the outline application 23.69 ha. The current use is for grazing cattle associated with the dairy farm and some arable crop production

Our Approach

Temple managed, coordinated and produced the Environmental Statement (ES), the technical chapter on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption and the stand-alone rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA). Temple provided environmental advice throughout the project and fed into scheme changes as the design evolved, while also coordinating the wider design team as part of bespoke workshops to ensure that environmental considerations were adequately taken into account. This ensured consistency of approach to assessments and collaborative working across the design team.

Added Value   

The experienced EIA team identified and suitably managed risks (including delays and changes to the design freeze) throughout the project. Our in-house climate change consultants provided senior level insights and expert advice. In addition, a flexible approach from the EIA team enabled us to efficiently manage changes to the design freeze without delay to the required project submission.

Key Contacts

James Sanders Senior Director - Environment & Planning
Charlie Irwin Principal Consultant - Environment